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Are Cold Forming and Hot Forming just Different Temperatures?

Are Cold Forming and Hot Forming just Different Temperatures?

  • Categories:News
  • Author:吉瑞尔
  • Origin:http://www.jerelpack.com/
  • Time of issue:2024-04-20
  • Views:238

(Summary description)Cold forming and thermoforming are not just different in terms of temperature. In the blister packaging manufacturing process, they are two common production methods with significant differences in processes, material selection, product performance, and application areas.

Are Cold Forming and Hot Forming just Different Temperatures?

(Summary description)Cold forming and thermoforming are not just different in terms of temperature. In the blister packaging manufacturing process, they are two common production methods with significant differences in processes, material selection, product performance, and application areas.

  • Categories:News
  • Author:吉瑞尔
  • Origin:http://www.jerelpack.com/
  • Time of issue:2024-04-20
  • Views:238

Are Cold Forming and Hot Forming just Different Temperatures?


Cold forming and thermoforming are not just different in terms of temperature. In the blister packaging manufacturing process, they are two common production methods with significant differences in processes, material selection, product performance, and application areas.


Differences in Processes


Firstly, the main difference between cold forming and thermoforming lies in the process. Thermoforming involves using high temperatures to deform thermoplastic materials. In the thermoforming process, plastic sheets are heated to soften and then formed into the desired shape using molds and vacuum or pressure. In contrast, cold forming is carried out at room temperature using pressure to shape aluminum laminate or other cold-formable materials into blister cavities, without the need for heating.


Different Material Selection


Secondly, the two methods use different materials. Thermoforming typically uses thermoplastic plastic sheets such as PET, PVC, which soften under heat and are easy to mold. Cold forming, on the other hand, often employs aluminum foil or aluminum-plastic materials that, under pressure, form rigid blister cavities providing enhanced protection.


Differences in Product Performance


Additionally, products produced by cold forming and thermoforming have distinct differences. Thermoformed blister packs are typically transparent or translucent, suitable for showcasing products’ appearances, such as in food packaging. Cold formed products, on the other hand, are usually opaque, offering superior protection and commonly used in pharmaceutical packaging requiring high levels of product protection.


Variations in Application Areas


Furthermore, cold forming and thermoforming differ in production speed and application areas. Thermoforming is generally faster, suitable for mass production but with higher material requirements and costs. Cold forming is slower, ideal for small batch and high-end product production, offering better protection capabilities and suitable for product categories requiring stringent quality standards.



In conclusion, cold forming and thermoforming are not just about temperature differences. These production methods vary in processes, materials, product performance, and application areas. When selecting a production method for their products, businesses should consider various factors including product characteristics, production requirements, and costs to achieve optimal production efficiency and product quality.


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